题目:新时期欧盟对华政策(EU strategy towards Asia)
演讲人:华沙大学国际问题研究所贾科布˙ 扎什奇科夫斯基博士(Dr Jakub Zajaczkowski)
Jakub Zajaczkowski is Assistant Professor at University of Warsaw, Institute of International Relations; Vice-Director for Research and International Cooperation; Chairperson of the Centre for Contemporary India Research and Studies. Member of Research Board of European University Center at Peking University and member of Asia-Europe Human Security Network and European Association of EU-India Study Centres. Visiting scholar in over 20 universities (Peking University, Indiana University, Bloomington). In 2011 he was awarded by Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland by the fellowship for Best Young Researchers; in 2007 and 2008 he was awarded by the fellowship for Young Researchers of the Foundation for Polish Science and in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 awarded by the Rector of University. He published 2 books (India in International Relations, Warsaw 2008; EU in International Relations, Warsaw 2006), co-editor of book titled East Asia and South Asia in International Relations (2011), and author of over 50 articles published in research journals.
At the outset of the 21st Century EU’s relations with the Asia feature both an increase of importance of economic factor and the initiation of new facets of co-operation. In the 1990s, apart from further intensification of economic relations, it was intended to extend bilateral relations, mainly China-EU and India-EU by inclusion of political dimension.
At the beginning of 21st Century EU understood the importance of Asia in international relations is going to increase, the continent becoming in the 21st Century the world’s political and economic centre. Entering in deeper mutual political relations, the European Union deepened firstly relations with China, ASEAN and India. EU and Asian partners built in 90.s and at the beginning of XXI century institutional framework. EU started summits with such partners like China, India. In 1996 ASEM dialogue was established. Another manifestation of the importance the EU attached to Asia can be found in the first-ever Strategy of Security, adopted by the EU on 12 December 2003. In 2004 India and EU signed strategic partnership. New symbol of new policy between EU and Asia was increase of Asian FDI in Europe, and increase of educational and research cooperation between Asia and EU.
But there are also numbers of constraints and limitations in relations between EU and Asia. Limitations in Asia-EU relations mainly stem from the fact that the European Union has not been perceived in Asia as an entity truly united and forming a whole. Perception of the EU by political and business elites is essentially resultant of the way its individual Member States are perceived, rather than the EU as a single political being. Moreover, the EU tends to be seen as “an actor, a power which is short of measures and instruments to really play major role in global politics”. Other shortcomings pointed out include the lack of really consistent foreign policy and the EU’s institutional problems. Asian states have been sceptical as regards the EU’s potential in political area or in that of security. But the real problem is there is a lack of real comprehensive strategy of EU towards Asia. There are many policies, strategies towards individual countries, no real cooperation between EU and APEC, ASEAN or SAARC. Moreover, there is gap between European and Asian states, which is the result of different attitudes and approaches towards international order, as well as issues such as war, the balance of power, and the use of force. The European Union perspectives put stress more on soft power elements.