United States Leveraging of Secessionism: Tibet in Context
The United States leverages Tibet secessionism against China through political and financial support for open and occluded pro-independence Tibetan émigré and “Tibet support” forces. Separatism is evident in the Dalai Lama and Tibet Government-in-Exile officials’ statements indicating unwillingness to accept that Tibet should be part of China and a preference for secession when feasible. US leveraging does not reflect international laws or norms, but a global strategy of opposing secession in allied and client states, while supporting it in US-proclaimed “rogue states” and perceived “strategic competitors.” Associating the Tibetan émigré cause with US power is consequential, making it more difficult for Tibetans in China to achieve ethnic minority self-representation and for the Tibet Question to be resolved.
演讲人:沙伯力(Barry Sautman)香港科技大学社会科学系教授,国际知名西藏问题专家
主持人:史志钦教授 黄色直播app