《变革时代的冲突管理与领导力》(Leading in times of change)
课程预告课程名称:变革时代的冲突管理与领导力(Leading in times of change)
授课人:Prof. Martin Euwema 比利时鲁汶大学(the University of Leuven, Belgium)教授
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在变革时代,组织尤其需要创新和领导力,需要建设性的冲突管理能力。本课程聘请比利时鲁汶大学的Martin Euwema教授(国际冲突管理学会主席),讲述变革时代的组织领导力的特点、构成、趋势、文化,以及如何将冲突变成领导力的机会等,将加深同学们对创新和领导力的理解。课程形式上将结合讲座、小组练习、模拟实验等多种形式的互动。
本课程属于鲁汶大学的精品课,来自世界一流大学。2011年Martin Euwema教授曾在黄色直播app
Good leadership is essential for success in organizations, particularly in times of change. Managing change is therefore an essential part of leadership. About 80% of change programs fail. Mainly due to ‘soft’ factors related to resistance to change, ineffective management of conflicts of interest and weak leadership. This is even more so, in an international context, where expectations towards leader behavior differ and their behaviors can be easily misinterpreted.
In this course we address the connection between leadership, conflict and change in an international context. In four sessions we explore together, based on recent theories, what are key messages to learn in relation with these topics, and relate these to your personal qualities, practices and challenges? The four sessions will be highly interactive, combining both lectures and team exercises.
a. Leadership & You
-What are leaders made of?
-What are the behaviors of effective leaders?
-What do we know about different management styles?
-How about your own style and styles’ adaptabilities?
Leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how it can be done effectively. In this session, we include the modern leadership theories and its applications. The self-assessment of your management styles will also be introduced. Developing as 4 types of behavior, the “styles” are derived from your physical, emotional and intellectual energies: They work as integrated elements; meanwhile in combinations to influence your personal management style. However, since there is no single all-purpose management style and successful leaders are those who can adapt their behavior to meet the demands of their own unique situation, the adaptability of different styles will also be explored in this session.
b. Leadership in societal culture.
-What’s societal culture?
-What are the levels, the dimensions of societal culture?
- What are culture’s influences on leadership and managerial behaviors?
As a shared value system, societal culture influences people’s life from various perspectives. Because management is always about people, it is part of the culture of the society in which it takes place. Many cross-cultural studies indeed have stated that culture can influence leadership styles and practices. Thus, this session includes a 2.5 hours simulation exercise, providing the students an opportunity to experience the cultural diversity. This exercise creates a situation which allows the students to explore the idea of culture, be part of another culture and interact with another culture. Eventually the session facilitates the students to understand culture as a definition and its impact on leadership. Further explanations regarding the key cultural dimensions will also be introduced, combined with examples from business and managerial perspective.
c. Managing change.
Modern leaders spent a lot of time in managing change, from incremental changes to large scale organizational development, downsizing, mergers, and acquisitions. Successes of these changes depend largely on the way of leading and managing these changes. We focus on the process of change, and the roles which a leader plays in that. We present and discuss important theories on managing organizational change. We explore recent insights in the managing of resistance to change, and creating motivating to change. We will work with a case study on necessary changes in an organization (industry) everyone is familiar with, demonstrating the essential role of the leader in the change, and the difficulties leaders face in managing change. Students will actively be engaged in small groups in the analysis of the case.
d. Using conflict as an opportunity.
Recent research shows that leaders spent at least 25% of their time dealing with conflicts. Therefore it is essential to know how to manage these conflicts. We discuss recent theories on conflict management, and the different roles of the leader; how to act as a third party when confronted with conflicts between team members (subordinates), as well as how to deal with conflicts between subordinates and the leader. We explore your personal style in conflict management and discuss in small groups the pro’s and con’s of these styles when you act in a leadership role. Modern theories on conflict behavior emphasize the adaptability of personal styles to different situations as essential for good leadership, and we discuss to what extend you are flexible in your conflict behavior.
Prof. dr. Martin C. Euwema
Martin C. Euwema is full professor in Organizational Psychology at the University of Leuven, Belgium, and the coordinator of the Research Group Occupational & Organisational Psychology and Professional Learning (O2L). Founded in 1425, and close to Brussels, University of Leuven is one of Europe’s oldest and leading universities. Martin has been working for many years at Utrecht University, in the Netherlands, teaching and investigating conflict management, mediation and negotiation, leadership and organizational change.
In addition to his academic work, Martin has always been active as professional. He has over 25 years of experience as trainer, consultant and mediator for profit and not-for-profit organizations, working with a wide variety of conflicts and organisations (from peacekeepers, and police officers, to ministers, and managers). Martin was president of the International Association for Conflict Management, and is co-director of the Leuven Centre for Cooperative Management. This semester he is professor at Tsinghua University.
本课程欢迎全校各院系的高年级本科生、硕士研究生和博士研究生的参与。如有问题,请发邮件至课程邮箱:[email protected]。