演讲人:阿梅龙Iwo Amelung,法兰克福大学教授
经济学研究所 龙登高教授

阿梅龙(Iwo Amelung)现为德国法兰克福大学东亚研究中心教授。曾在德国多所著名大学任教和工作,是德国新一代中国研究专家中的佼佼者。专长研究近代中西科学知识交流史、中国科学史学史、黄河水利史。用德、英、中文发表过许多论著,其中专著《山东黄河:晚清洪灾治理》(2000)享有国际学术盛誉。合编《新术语与新思想》(2000)、《法兰克福学派在中国》(2009)等论文集在近代中西科学文化交流史研究者中颇受推崇。曾应邀在英、法、意、日、新加坡等国家以及香港、北京、上海等地知名大学和研究机构讲学。
讲座摘要:In characterizing the emergence of modern science, Joseph Needham speaks of the “sea of universal science” into which (among others) the “river of Chinese science” flows.
Modern science thus is portrayed as a truly “universal” endeavor. While Needham’s assumption certainly is very attractive, it basically eclipses the most dramatic episode of the fate of modern science in China, namely the very complicated aspect of the appropriation of the concept of science from the West (and Japan) and especially the question of how scientific practice was related to the local environment of China. In this talk I will look into these questions in some detail and I will suggest, that many Chinese scientists of the Republican period were well aware that the “localization” (本土化) of science was of crucial importance for the development of the sciences in China.