Science and Engineering Ethics 2.0: Toward the Well-being of Individual Scientists/Engineers and the Society
主讲人:札野 順 教授,日本东京工业大学
Science and engineering ethics has been taught in the mode of “preventive ethics” with the emphasis on the responsibilities and duties of scientists and engineers to avoid harming the safety and health of the public. However, it has been recognized that a new approach with the emphasis on the positive side of science and engineering practice, which is called “aspirational ethics,” is also important. Meanwhile, it is sometimes forgotten that the main theme of ethics is “eudaimonia,”
which can be translated as “well-being,” in the tradition of Aristotelian virtue ethics. The author proposes a new way of teaching science and engineering ethics in which not only preventive ethics but also aspirational ethics is emphasized, and it is also conveyed with empirical evidence that the well-being of the public and of the individual scientists and engineers should be promoted through ethical decision making and behavior. This mode of Science and engineering ethics is named “Science and Engineering Ethics 2.0.” Some of the findings of the "scientific" studies on well-being and their applications will be introduced to illustrate the deepened understanding of the well-being of individuals and organizations. If the time allows, the contents of an experimental course based on science and engineering ethics 2.0 are briefly described. In addition, some results of measurements on the effectiveness of the above course and education reform at the Tokyo Institute of Technology on the well-being of learners, although admittedly they are very primitive.
札野順(Jun Fudano)教授简介:

Jun Fudano is Professor of Science and Engineering Ethics, Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) and affiliated with the newly established Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership (ToTAL), with the joint appointment in the Institute of Liberal Arts as well as Graduate Department of Human and Social Sciences of Tokyo Tech’s School of Environment and Society.
Jun Fudano(札野順)是东京工业大学(Tokyo Tech)科学伦理和工程伦理的教授,就职于新成立的东工大领导学院(Tokyo Tech Academy for Leadership),且在东工大环境与社会学院的人文与社会科学研究教育院(Graduate Department of Human and Social Sciences)和人文研究所(Institute of Liberal Arts)担任相关职务。